This is how you best prepare before the puppy's homecoming

Helene Aspgren

Bringing home a puppy is a big and exciting event, but it also requires a lot of preparation.

Here are some tips on what you should do before your puppy comes home:

Get all the equipment you need
It is important to have everything you need before the puppy comes home, such as a leash, leash, dog food, water and food bowls, dog bed, toys, treats, chew bones and poo bags. Read our puppy checklist

Prepare a place for the puppy
The puppy will need its own place where it can sleep and feel safe. Choose a place where it is quiet and safe, and make sure there is a water bowl and a bed.

Explore our dog beds and cushions

Explore our dog food and water bowls

Secure the home
It is important to make the home safe for a puppy, so that it can live and explore without harming itself. Make sure all dangerous items are out of reach: Make sure items that are harmful to puppies, such as medications, chemicals, electrical cords and plants, are out of reach or safely stored. Put up gates for stairs or dangerous spaces that could injure the dog.

Learn about the puppy's breed
Learn as much as possible about the puppy's breed so you can understand its needs and know any special problems.

See a vet
Make an appointment with a vet as soon as possible after the puppy comes home. The vet can check that the puppy is healthy and give you advice on vaccinations and other health care. Read our article on how to find a vet

Prepare for training
Puppies need to be trained and socialized to become well behaved dogs. Make sure you have the time and patience to train the puppy regularly. Read our articles on puppy training:

Everything about puppy training

Exercises for puppy training

Be prepared to clean
Puppies are known to be real cleaning machines. Be prepared to clean up after the puppy and always have pee and poop bags on hand. Also, don't have the nicest things in front of you at first, puppies like to chew and gnaw on things.

Prepare to love
Prepare to love and care for your puppy. Having a dog is a lifelong commitment, but it is also an unforgettable and rewarding experience.

Get insurance
Insuring your puppy is an important part of being a dog owner. It gives you security and helps you protect your puppy against injuries and diseases. Here are some things to consider when insuring your puppy. Read more about how to insure your dog here

Choose the right food
When buying food for a puppy, make sure that the food contains the right nutrients for the puppy's growth and development. It is important that the food contains enough protein from high-quality sources, such as fish or chicken, as well as the necessary vitamins and minerals. The food should also be adapted to the puppy's size and activity level. It is also good to choose a brand that specializes in puppy food and has a good reputation. It is also a good idea to consult a vet about what type of food is best for your puppy.

Once you've followed these steps, you're ready to welcome your new puppy home. Feel and enjoy this wonderful time with your new friend.

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