How to ensure your dog's oral health

Helene Aspgren

The dog's oral health is something that is often overlooked by many dog ​​owners. However, neglecting oral care can lead to serious problems and pain for your four-legged friend. Here's everything you need to know to ensure your dog's smile stays bright and healthy.

The importance of the dog's oral hygiene

Your dog's oral health is central to its overall well-being. Dental problems and oral diseases are unfortunately common in dogs, but because these problems are usually internal, they are difficult to detect. Many dogs are also reluctant to let anyone look into their mouths. So, how do you know what to look for?

Everything you need to know about your dog's teeth

  • Teeth are much like a dog's hair and claws, all classified as skin organs.
  • Each tooth contains a nerve, which makes them sensitive to pain.
  • Dogs go through two phases of tooth development: milk teeth, which come out at 4-6 months of age, and permanent teeth.
  • Keep a special eye on baby teeth that don't come out naturally. These can lead to misbites and inflammations.
  • Annual veterinary visits for dental checkups are highly recommended.

Dental issues to be aware of

Oral and dental problems are often detected late. Signs of problems include a reluctance to eat hard foods or toys, bad breath, excessive drooling, and tooth fractures or discoloration. Important to note is that many dogs continue to eat despite pain, making it even more important to be proactive with your dog's dental care.

Prevent dental problems in dogs

To prevent future problems, you can:

  • Make brushing your teeth a daily routine.
  • Offer the dog dry food and chew bones that naturally help remove plaque.
  • Avoid extremely hard bones that can damage the dog's teeth.

If your dog already has signs of dental problems, there are special products that can help, such as Nutrima Dental food and Avital Avident toothpaste.

How to get your puppy to love dental care

If you have a puppy, start early! By getting your young dog used to oral care, you can prevent problems in the future. By gradually introducing the puppy to tooth brushing, rewarding it with treats and keeping the exercises short, you will create a positive routine for both you and your dog.


Taking care of your dog's oral health is just as important as your own. Through regular attention, proper nutrition and a daily routine of brushing, you can help your dog live a longer, healthier life. So, the next time your dog smiles at you, you know you've done everything to ensure that smile stays bright and healthy!

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